
Benjamin Clabault

Benjamin Clabault was born in southern Florida and grew up on Cape Cod (Massachusetts). He attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he studied Social Thought and Political Economy while writing for the university newspaper, The Daily Collegian.

He has written and published several short stories, essays, and travel piecesOn May 3, 2021, his story "The Ultimate Self-Effacement" was published on Misery Tourism, and on November 17, 2021, "Counting Chickens" appeared in the Inlandia Journal. His first published piece of literary nonfiction, "Fragmented Mythologies: A Guatemalan Tale" appreared on Literary Traveler on December 13, 2021. 

On November 1, 2022, The Bookends Review published his short story "The Free Bouquet."

Clabault currently lives with his wife in Morgantown, West Virginia, where he is pursuing an MFA in creative writing at West Virginia University.  

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